Why You Should Become A Freelance Executive Assistant

Making the decision to become a Freelance Executive Assistant can be one of the best moves you make for your professional life. Executive Assistants are known for being detail-oriented planners, so it’s no surprise you’re thoughtfully considering the switch! As you think through the pros and cons, your decision will likely hinge on who you are, what brings you fulfillment, and what drives you.

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Achieve Work-Life Balance!

Achieving work-life balance can feel like searching for a unicorn! Everyone talks about wanting it, there are countless books and strategies, but the majority of people will still say work-life balance eludes them. Working as a Virtual Executive Assistant can help you get closer to that long sought-after balance! Since you are responsible for your work environment and output, you control how and when you are online. 

Being a Freelance Executive Assistant, you set your own work hours. By clearly communicating this to your clients, you can enjoy the freedom that comes with creating your own schedule. This allows you to be present and productive for your clients but also present and involved with your friends and family—without feeling stressed or guilty for taking time off work. 

For example, if your child’s school lets out early every Wednesday you can set your hours to support this. Or let’s say your favorite workout class is at 7 am and you always feel stressed rushing from class to work. As a Virtual Executive Assistant you can decide to start work at 9:30 am every day so you can enjoy your workout and avoid being rushed to the next thing. Not only are you happier, but this is reflected in your work quality too, since happier employees are known to be more productive!

Freelancing = Flexibility

Ask any Freelance Executive Assistant and they will tell you the biggest perk is the flexibility it offers. As long as you have a strong and reliable internet connection, computer, and a phone, you can literally work from anywhere. 

Moves are stressful enough, but for some, the thought of finding a new job is worse than the move itself. The flexibility and freedom to keep your clients and job when relocating is a game-changer. Personally, I have moved three times as a Virtual Executive Assistant and my clients told me they didn’t notice a difference in my level of support and proactivity at all. It was such a relief to me amidst all the other changes to have one consistent job.

Another perk to the Virtual Executive Assistant role, if your spouse or partner is heading out for a business trip to San Diego, you can go along for a mini vacation too! Of course, you can still take vacation time, but there is something to be said for taking a last-minute trip. You can work and play without the stress of getting PTO requests approved!

Joining a Community

For all the benefits of freelancing it can feel lonely at times. Working from home and often in another state from your client can lead to feeling isolated. Joining a community of Freelance Executive Assistants is one of the best benefits! A community gives you a base of people who know exactly what you are doing and can help you troubleshoot, brainstorm, and combat the WFH blues. Studies show that having office friends are key. While you may not share office space, you do share virtual office space and can maintain a positive work connection even remotely.

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Working From Home

Working from home is not without challenges and distractions, especially if you have little ones at home too. But with planning and communication it can be very rewarding, giving you more time in your day. In 2019, the average commuter spent 1-2 hours in the car each day! Coupled with the time it takes to get ready for work, you’re losing 3-4 hours of each day that you aren’t spending with loved ones, and you aren’t getting paid for those lost hours either! As a Virtual Executive Assistant you get to reclaim that time to enjoy how you want. Go ahead, sleep in a little or go for an extra long walk because you can!

Another big bonus of being a Freelance Executive Assistant is getting to set up your own work space without company regulations. You can put up as many photos as you want. If you want a green velvet swivel chair, you can get it! You decide what helps you to be the best Virtual Executive Assistant you can be and then you get to make it happen. If you work best with music or the TV on in the background you can do that without distracting or upsetting anyone. Likewise, if you need complete silence you can create that environment too. 

Fulfilling Work = Happier and More Productive You

With today’s technology it’s never been easier to make a career out of Virtual EA work. Recent advances now allow us to expand our digital reach, opening up opportunities we wouldn’t have otherwise. Without needing to relocate, you can now take clients from around the country, or even the world! 

When you're not limited by location, it’s easier to take on clients and projects that align with your personal values, interests, and skills. A big part of what we do at 33Vincent is finding the perfect match of the executive’s values and mission and the Executive Assistant’s experience and skills, so both client and EA are satisfied. This is one of the most fulfilling aspects of being a Virtual Executive Assistant: as you lean into your passions you become a stronger Executive Assistant which, in turn, increases your productivity and your work quality. 

Self-Employment Benefits

A traditional employment role usually offers traditional healthcare and time off benefits which, for many, is a big need while weighing your options. However, as a self-employed Virtual Executive Assistant, there are several benefits and tax breaks available to you! An added bonus to self-employment is that you can pick your health insurance, your coverage amount and you may be eligible to deduct it from your taxes! You can also set up a solo 401k, deduct your internet or phone bill, office supplies, and (if you want to brush up on your skills and go back to school) continuing education. It may not be traditional, but it can mold your unique Virtual Executive Assistant business. 

Making the Jump

When you do make the jump, you’ll be shocked at how easy it is to be a Freelance Executive Assistant. You might find yourself wondering why it took you so long to decide! Work really can be this enjoyable, fulfilling, and freeing. You’ll discover the unique perks and benefits of freelancing, and have more time to enjoy your life on your terms while still providing exceptional and reliable service!

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Kristin Jack

As an Executive Assistant, I have supported clients on a global scale in both the business and nonprofit sectors. I have organized and managed complex calendars, finances, public relations, special events and provided project management on a contract basis. It is a passion of mine to assist individuals and teams to achieve, if not exceed, their goals. I enjoy a challenge in my work and take opportunities to grow my skill set in order to continue to provide the best assistance possible.


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