Using our EA expertise to help you source, interview, and hire a full time Executive Assistant.
Executive Assistant Search
Our Executive Assistant Search service leverages our decades of experience and extensive network to source, screen, and hire high-caliber, full-time EAs to support your organization.
We'll handle the entire process from job posting to interviews, and present 3-5 world-class candidates for your review.
What is it?
Executive Assistant Search is a custom search and recruitment option for organizations looking for high caliber, full-time EA support. Our EA Search process is location-specific and consultative – we create a Full Talent Profile.
Our Full Talent Profiles Include:
Organization Mission and Culture
Executive/EA Personality Alignment
Desired Skillsets
Time Zone (if remote) - and more!
Our search and recruitment leverages our 33V network as well as your own business’ talent pool and other sourcing avenues depending on your talent profile. You’ll have an enhanced role in the selection of your EA, and we’ll advise you every step of the way. 33Vincent will provide easy-to-digest dossiers for your top EA candidates, but you’re the ultimate decision-maker on your hire.
Once the offer letter is signed, you can choose to take on onboarding and training on your own or you can select any of our enhanced service add-ons to help you roll out the red carpet for your new role.
“After meeting to discuss my needs, 33Vincent handled everything - job postings, sample projects, interview questions, and thorough reference checks. I'm impressed by how effectively they used my time and the exceptional quality candidates they helped find and vet!”
Evan B.
How It Works
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Step 01. Consultation +
- Organizational needs evaluation
(timeline for hire, cultural fit, and a strengths & weaknesses assessment) - Creation of custom job description and benefits recommendations
- Review and confirm your hiring processes with key stakeholders
- Create Candidate Profile that defines the outcomes expected and the prioritized qualifications and competencies needed for success
Step 02. Marketing and Search +
- Use the Candidate Profile to conduct preliminary screens of résumés and leads
- Generate a deep Talent Pool via:
- Outreach to 33V's Executive Assistant network
- Activation of the hiring manager and your organization’s network
- Posting on relevant networks and job boards
Step 03. Screen +
- 33Vincent conducts comprehensive skills testing,
initial phone screen and/or interview - OPTIONAL: Kolbe personality assessment
Step 04. Interview and Hiring Logistics +
- Present top 3-5 candidates to you in Candidate Dossier Kit
(résumés, rating forms, and areas to probe for top candidates) - 33V handles all communication to stakeholders
(team, hiring manager, candidates, HR, etc.) - Coordinate interview logistics, planning, and scheduling
Step 05. Offer +
- 33V conducts a full reference check
- Extend the offer and 33V assists in salary negotiation
Add-Ons for Enhanced Service
Ask us about these add-on options, for enhanced service after your new hire is in-seat: