Partner Spotlight: Crafted Leadership

33Vincent partner, Crafted Leadership, believes that the quality of our leaders affects the quality of our lives. Through training and coaching, they support leaders to maximize their areas of brilliance and develop vital leadership skills. Here at 33Vincent, we help high-performing leaders enhance their impact by matching them with virtual Executive Assistants. After some initial discussions about what our two organizations do, we saw a synergy in our work: if high-performing leaders receive executive assistant support and conscious leadership coaching, imagine what they could accomplish! In January 2020, we formed a partnership and immersed ourselves in each organization’s service offerings:

  • Crafted Leadership provides 33Vincent with virtual team trainings and coaching on conscious leadership

  • 33Vincent provides virtual Executive Assistant support to allow the Crafted Leadership team to operate in their brilliance zones


Crafted Leadership’s personalized offerings equip leaders and teams to improve professional performance, create collaborative teams, and address challenges with ease and creativity. 33Vincent’s leadership team has received training and coaching from Crafted Leadership for almost one year. Despite resources and time being tight during this unprecedented pandemic and recession, the return on investment has been incredibly impactful. We’ve received tools and frameworks to navigate crucial conversations and–through Crafted Leadership’s exceptional facilitation–we’ve been able to practice those tools, as a team, in real time. 

Our leadership team now has a shared language, and is more committed than ever to timely feedback and healthy responsibility. More recently, our broader team is also now taking part in the leadership trainings so that we can all strive to be more conscious leaders. In a recent survey, when asked what our organization should keep doing, an overwhelming majority of respondents asked us to continue providing Crafted Leadership training. After working with Crafted Leadership, we feel more equipped to sustain a collaborative culture where our team can address challenges from a place of ease and trust.  

When we first met the Crafted Leadership team, they were bogged down with administrative tasks like scheduling meetings, event logistics, CRM updates, and survey creation. They found they weren’t able to make time for their highest leverage work of developing trainings and nurturing relationships because their mental energy was spent on things like tech and process issues. Within 30 days of support, Crafted Leadership’s 33V-matched EA, Sara, was able to take over all administrative tasks and become a trusted partner to the team. She has been able to create and improve processes, incorporate new effective tech tools into the team’s work flow, and made her impact felt well past her 10 hours/week:

“Sara finished this resource project that had been weighing on my energy and that I knew, if completed, would support us in validating our work and giving clients supporting materials. And ta da, Sara did it, seemingly magically, but I know she spent time thinking about it and carefully considering all angles first. That's a little but hugely significant detail, because her thinking through our future needs with this document first reduced so much time and mental energy on my part. I know that is part of what makes your EAs so valuable.”   

We’re proud to partner with Crafted Leadership as they support leaders to identify and work from their innate areas of brilliance; learn, practice and embody vital leadership skills; hone their relational abilities; and develop their authentic, compelling presence in order to be maximally effective.

Learn more about how Crafted Leadership’s coaching framework can help you become a more conscious, focused leader. And reach out to our team to hear how virtual Executive Assistant support could help you meet your 2021 goals and beyond.


33Vincent has many other resources to help you maximize your time and communication with your executive assistant.


How Your Executive Assistant Can Help You Reach Your Goals


Scheduling Your Week to Maximize Your Focus