How Can an Executive Assistant Add Value to my Organization?

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Investing in your business or career can feel like a big risk, so it’s important to be sure your time and money will elevate your productivity and impact. This particular topic gets us really excited at 33Vincent, because we know just how much value an Executive Assistant can add since we live it every day.

In fact, the return on investment provided by a skilled Executive Assistant can be substantial. After all, there’s a reason why USA Today called EAs the new “power role” in Silicon Valley. Executive Assistants provide agile and proactive high-level support, which positions them as incredible assets who can add tremendous value to any organization. 

A skilled EA does much more than simply completing tasks or managing email inboxes and calendars. With the right partnership, an Executive Assistant can facilitate the productivity, collaboration, and growth of entire teams!

Think you’re ready to add an Executive Assistant to your team? To better understand the potential ROI of adding an EA, we’ve rounded up four of the top ways that an Executive Assistant can add value to your organization to help in your decision.

Executive Assistants increase productivity. 

High-performing leaders know that the ability to get more done in the course of the day is a key component to the success of any company. Executive Assistants are experts at knowing the top tactics for improving business productivity, and can quickly implement strategies that make a big impact. By handing off tasks like calendar and email management, you can eliminate most of the immediate distractions that pull you away from more strategic work. Being adept at taking on a range of tasks, Executive Assistants add value by freeing up large blocks of time for the team that they support.

But that’s not nearly all. Take a look at our recent articles on calendar and meeting management—all written by an experienced EA. Not only do these management tactics save huge amounts of time, they also inherently make these important business tools more effective. Meetings actually stay on-topic and yield results, and calendars evolve from being simple scheduling tools to productivity boosting launchpads!

Executive Assistants increase collaboration. 

In today’s world of remote work, the importance of keeping a team engaged and working together is more important than ever. A study by Queens University found that 75% of employers rate teamwork and collaboration as “very important.” But as important as collaboration is, many people find it to be one of the most challenging aspects of modern work.

Having a liaison that works to connect people across organizational levels and departments is priceless in solving the collaboration puzzle.  Due to their advanced experience with coordination and proactivity, remote executive assistants are particularly skilled at streamlining projects and communication across multiple parties.

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Executive Assistants provide solutions. 

A great Executive Assistant works as a key strategic partner and proactively looks for ways to make improvements throughout the organization. They are closely involved with many of the day-to-day details, which makes them uniquely equipped to know where the pain points are—and more importantly—where there are opportunities for improvement.

Experienced EAs may have even dealt with similar situations while assisting previous clients, knowing the exact solution up front to various issues. In short, they provide solutions to some of the biggest hurdles and keep an organization moving forward.  

Executive Assistants support growth. 

It’s impossible to grow a large organization alone. No one knows this better than the Executive Assistant, who often acts as an organization’s communication backbone. EAs bring people and projects together, aligning everyone to work toward the same goals, and ultimately achieve them more quickly.

For many organizations, this means getting to focus on even more growth and higher leverage work. . In today’s digital climate, many teams are finding that they can scale quickly by bringing on talent that is located all over the country. Often this ends up leading to a stronger team that works remotely.

If you collaborate remotely, a remote Executive Assistant will be a secret weapon in engaging remote teams, as they already have systems and processes for remote work in place. The beauty of remote teams is that they open up a whole new world of possibilities and, most importantly, enable growth for the whole organization.

One final thought: while an Executive Assistant adds an enormous amount of value to the organization as a whole, many leaders quickly determine that they also see a lot of personal value when working with an Executive Assistant. From an increased feeling of control in their day-to-day, to a better work-life balance, the way Executive Assistants add value is truly invaluable.

But don’t take our word for it.

“We've been working with [our 33V EA] for a year now, and she has become an essential part of our team. In addition to being super smart, attentive, and proactive, she's taught us how to be more efficient with our work. She's been steady and responsive amidst the natural ebbs and flows of our business in a way that feels like an art form. I am grateful for
[our 33V EA’s] assistance Every. Single. Day.”

Julianna Christie
Crafted Leadership

Find out how a 33Vincent Executive Assistant can add value to your organization.
Click here for no-cost consultation today!


What Does an Executive Assistant Do?


Expert Assistants: A Guide To Executive Calendar Management