5 Podcasts To Elevate Your Productivity

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We love podcasts at 33Vincent. We’re always looking for ways to boost our productivity, learn something new, and stay current on what’s happening in the world. There’s a sea of podcasts out there, but we think these are the best podcasts for staying efficient during chaotic work weeks. 

1. Focus On This

From the leaders in business strategy and productivity, the Michael Hyatt and Company team produces this productivity podcast – and they even refer to it as the “Most Productive Podcast On the Internet.” Hosts Courtney, Verbs, and Blake discuss productivity as a leader, typical roadblocks to productivity and how to overcome them, and more. Their dynamic makes the topics fun, and we’ve taken away a lot of tips and best practices from this one. 

Favorite Episodes 

2. HBR’s Women at Work

This one’s for the woman professionals out there. Amy Bernstein (Editor of Harvard Business Review) and Amy Gallo (Author and HBR Contributor) discuss the barriers and struggles uniquely faced by women in the workplace. With radical candor, transparency, and creativity, the hosts welcome interesting guests and leading experts to discuss how to overcome workplace pitfalls and thrive at work. 

Favorite Episodes

3. The Anxious Achiever

Work is hard, but it’s even harder when anxiety and mental health don’t seem to respect the 9-to-5, or the “work-life boundary” people seem to expect. This podcast is “on a mission to reframe how we think about anxiety and mental health in the workplace.” Mental health is no longer the taboo it used to be–and thank goodness. We all bring personal experiences and struggles to work, and at 33Vincent, we believe in bringing our full selves to work, and that means your mental health doesn’ get checked at the door. 

Favorite Episodes

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4. The Futur With Chris Do

Do you do creative work of any kind? Or are you a business leader who wants to think more creatively, or apply design thinking to your work? This podcast is for you. Chris Do founded The Futur, a design education platform seeking to educate 1 billion people how to make a living doing what they love. Episodes range widely, from the technical aspects of design and creativity, covering how to design a career your love, and how to find more happiness at work—to how everyone is a designer. We love the range of guests they’ve had on, from well-known marketing industry leaders to authors like Austin Kleon. 

5. The ONE Thing

How often do you end your workday feeling overwhelmed, spinning your wheels but getting nothing done? At 33Vincent, we believe great leaders can do anything, but they can’t do everything. In our work with executives, leaders, and teams over the years, we’ve seen countless professionals fall into the “more” fallacy: that getting more done equals having a high impact. Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, authors of The ONE Thing, propose a different way by asking this simple question: “What's the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” The podcast explores this concept through a range of professional topics such as personal habits, marketing, goal setting, and more. 

How To Listen

Podcasts are a great way to force yourself to take a break! We recommend scheduling 30 minutes after your lunch to take a walk, listen to a podcast, and have some “think” time away from your computer. 

Check out an app like NoteCast, which lets you take notes without pausing what you’re listening to, and even capture audio snippets from the episode and have them transcribed for you.

We love Overcast, a free alternative to your phone’s default podcast app with awesome features like Voice Boost, Sleep Timer, and more. 

What’s Next?

If you’re still on the hunt for ways to elevate your productivity, consider an Executive Assistant. An EA will live in the details, so you can elevate your focus and enhance your productivity. If you’re interested in finding out how an executive assistant can support you, click the button below and a member of our team will be in touch! P.S. Want to learn more before you get started? Read on here

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Baylee Pendleton

As the Director of Communications at 33Vincent, Baylee directs marketing, PR, internal communications, and brand development and builds sustainable, effective communication systems. Baylee lives in north Alabama with her husband, John, and a burgeoning personal library.


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